Wednesday, May 12, 2004

If I'm not out of here soon I might ...

"There's a nail in the door
And there's glass on the lawn
Tacks on the floor
And the TV is on
And I always sleep with my guns
When you're gone"


There are many reasons why i could go and freak out. One of those reasons is my answering machine. God I hate the telephone. Everytime i arrive home i shiver just to think that that fucking machine is going to greet me with some long message that usually i never stop to listen to. That answering machine knows that I don't want to know about anything and insist and give me message after message and sometimes they never end.
I've been changing messages to discourage people of talking for too long, but it doesn't seem to work. The only messages I expect to hear for long time are my sisters' messages with some crazy thing to tell me about. The rest should go directly to the point and tell me what they need and that's it. If I need to know more I will call back and ask them.
Tonight the most bizarre message was left on the machine from hell.
Thanks God i limit the time for the answering machine to 60 seconds more time would have been torture. I can't say who left it but it was insane. Somebody talking about the living will already made and stuff like that... Geee!!! I'm glad that she doesn't have a twin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn machines keep making our lives complicated. At least the invention of caller ID compensates us slightly for the advent of voice mail and answering machines.

Your English is quite good. I work with a lot of college educated folks who consider themselves to be wordsmiths but who can't get a single idea across. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. If you want to polish up your writing a bit, check out "Eats Shoots & Leaves," an entertaining new book about grammar.

Thanks for checking out my site ( Yours is a delightful discovery for me.